Online Rehab Coaching

There’s so much more your body can do than just be pain free.

Our 1 on 1 Rehab Coaching packages are perfect for those who:

  • Have pain that is stopping you from reaching your goals.

  • Are looking to reduce pain and optimize movement while continuing to train.

  • Want to find a better approach to your rehab without relying on short-term “band-aid” solutions.

  • Want to learn how to manage your own aches and pains so you can avoid this issue in the future.

  • Want to get stronger while managing an injury to avoid unnecessary surgery, medication and imaging.

This is for you!


  • Learn how to reduce and manage your own aches and pains with exercise and training.

  • 100% personalized exercise prescription plan created via collaboration between you and your clinician.

  • Get online support with your clinician to ensure you feel confident and knowledgable in your injury plan.

  • Weekly updated exercise prescription plan to ensure the plan is safe and effective without holding you back.